Sunday, November 13, 2016

My grandniece is turning 2 this week so I was looking around Ravelry and random Google searches trying to decide what to make her. I found a really cute little owl hat and started it right away. When it was done I used my grandnephew as a model to see if it would fit her, he's one month older. I was very disappointed to find that it was nowhere close to big enough. 
I'm not one to give up easily once my mind is set on something, which in this case is a good thing. I measured my grandnephew and set out to make an owl hat that would fit. I got a little carried away with how cute it turned out and the hat became part of a matching set.
Hat, check.
Mittens, check.
Scarf, check.
Purse, check.
Plushie, check. 
Maybe more than just a little carried away but it was fun and everything came out so cute I couldn't help it. The mittens are the only part that I didn't create the pattern for. It doesn't get cold for long here so by the time I wrote up a pattern that worked and I liked it would be warm again.
So here's what the entire set looks like. Patterns will follow.

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