Sunday, November 13, 2016

Owl Mittens

I wanted to make a pair of mittens to match the hat I made my grandniece but that was going nowhere fast. I used a pattern that I'll link to and added a few touches to make it an owl. I tried a handful of patterns but they either didn't look right or the pattern made little sense. So I went back to my standby and I really like this pattern. I used it last year to make mittens for my brothers kid's and they loved them so much. 
  The pattern is clearly written and the mittens work up pretty fast. It's easy to add rows or stitches to make a larger size for older kids. Here's the link to the actual mitten pattern:

I followed the pattern through R 10 and on R 11 I started the pink. 
For the tufts I used the smallest pom pom maker in my set.
I used an F/3.75mm hook for these
MR with CC 2
R 1        SC 6, finish off                            6
R 12        Join white, 2 SC each st, sl st                    12
R 3        Ch 1, *SC 1, 2 SC* around, finish off                18

R 1        Ch 2, 3 HDC in 2nd ch from hk, turn                3
R 2        Ch 2 & turn, 2 HDC in 1st st, HDC, DC, HDC in
        next st, 2 HDC in last st, finish off                7

Baby owl plushie

This is the little plush I made to go along with all the winter wear for my grandniece's birthday. It's so cute and tiny.

 F/3.75mm hook
Worsted weight yarn
Yarn needle
2 9mm safety eyes
Polyfill or other stuffing

Written with US terms

CC        Contrast color
Ch        Chain
Hk        Hook
MC        Main color
SC        Single crochet
Sl st        Slip stitch
St        Stitch

Make 2 eyes with white
Form MR, 8 SC in ring, leave enough room to push safety eyes through, finish off leaving long tail for sewing.

R 1        Ch 2, 6 SC in 2nd ch from hk                6
R 2        2 SC in each st                        12
R 3        *SC 1, 2 SC*                        18
R 4        *SC 2, 2 SC*                        24
R 5        Change to MC an SC around                24
R 6-9        SC around                        24
    Place and sew on eyes. With yellow sew on a beak. Stuff
R 10        SC across back until eyes are centered on front,
        sl st remaning stitches through front and back of owl,
         finish off leaving a tail and sew closed

Make two small pom poms and sew to beginning and end of R 10

This is a free pattern and you are welcome to make and sell the finished product, just please give me the credit for creating it. Do not copy and redistribute the pattern and claim it as your own.

Toddler Sized Owl Keyhole Scarf

This is the final pattern I wrote for the owl set I'm giving my grandniece for her second birthday. I've never tried making one of these before, let alone writing out a pattern for one so my fingers are crossed. I looked at several other scarves as well as Q&A posts about the sizing but my model isn't here today and I have to get it packed and ready for shipping before he'll be back. Meh, still cute and if it's too big she can grow into it.

 G/4.25mm & I/5.25mm hooks
Worsted weight yarn
    MC, CC, scraps of white, eye color, yellow/orange for beak
Yarn/tapestry needle

Pattern written with US terms

Ch        Chain
CC        Contrast color
CC 2        Contrast color (for eyes)
DC        Double crochet
HDC        Half double crochet
MC        Main color
MR        Magic ring
St        Stitch

Ch 9 with MC using size I hook
R 1        DC in 4th ch from hk and each ch to end            96
R 2-4        Ch 3 & turn, DC in 2nd st and each st across            96
R 5        Ch 3 & turn, DC in 2nd st and next 75, ch 12
        sk 12, DC last 8 st                        84
R 6        Ch 3 & turn, DC in 2nd st and next 7 st, 1 DC in
        each ch, DC to end                        96
R 7-9        Ch 3 & turn, DC in 2nd st and each st across            96
        DO NOT finish off at this point
R 1        Ch 3, work 17 DC evenly along ends of previous rows    18
R 2-4        Ch 3 & turn, DC each st across, finish off MC        18
R 5        Color change to CC, ch 3, DC in 2nd st and next 14        18
R 6-7        Ch 3 & turn, DC each st across, finish off            18

MR with CC 2
R 1        SC 6, finish off                            6
R 12        Join white, 2 SC each st, sl st                    12
R 3        Ch 1, *SC 1, 2 SC* around, finish off                18

R 1        Ch 2, 3 HDC in 2nd ch from hk, turn                3
R 2        Ch 2 & turn, 2 HDC in 1st st, HDC, DC, HDC in
        next st, 2 HDC in last st, finish off                7

 This is a free pattern and you are welcome to make and sell the finished product, just please give me the credit for creating it. Do not copy and redistribute the pattern and claim it as your own.

Toddler Owl Purse

This is the little purse I made for my grandniece's 2nd birthday. It's 7 1/2 inches wide and 5 inches tall. 

 H/5mm hook
Worsted weight yarn
Yarn needle

Written with US terms
Beginning ch 3 counts as 1st DC of row

CC               Contrast color
CC 2            Contrast color for eyes
Ch               Chain
Ch sp         Chain space
DC              Double crochet
Hk               Hook
MC             Main color
MR             Magic ring
Rem lp        Remaining loops of chain
SC               Single crochet
Sl st             Slip stitch
St                 Stitch

With CC ch 25
R 1             2 SC in 2nd ch from hk, SC next 22 ch, 4 SC last ch,
                  turn and SC 22 rem lp, 2 SC last lp, sl st                           52
R 2-4          Ch 3, DC around, sl st                                                        52
R 5             Change to MC, ch 3, DC around, sl st                             52
R 6-9          Ch 3, DC around, sl st                                                        52
R 10           Ch 1, SC around, sl st                                                         52
R 11           Ch 1, SC 7 st, ch 8 & sk 10 st, SC 18, ch 8 & sk 10 st,
                   SC last 5 st, sl st                                                                  32
R 12            Ch 1, SC 7 st, SC 10 in ch sp, SC 18, SC 10 in ch sp,
                    SC last 5 st, sl st                                                                 52
R 13            Ch 1, SC around, finish off                                               52

MR with CC 2
R 1             SC 6, finish off                                                                     6
R 12           Join white, 2 SC each st, sl st                                          12
R 3             Ch 1, *SC 1, 2 SC* around, finish off                             18

R 1            Ch 2, 3 HDC in 2nd ch from hk, turn                                 3
R 2            Ch 2 & turn, 2 HDC in 1st st, HDC, DC, HDC in
                  next st, 2 HDC in last st, finish off                                    7

This is a free pattern and you are welcome to make and sell the finished product, just please give me the credit for creating it. Do not copy and redistribute the pattern and claim it as your own.

Toddler sized owl hat

This is the owl hat that I made for my grandniece's 2nd birthday. Super cute and easy enough to make in a day or two. It's made to fit someone with a 20 inch head so it would work for more than just a toddler, maybe add a few extra rows depending on the person.

 I/5.25mm hk
Worsted weight yarn
Yarn needle

Pattern written with US terms

Ch               Chain
CC              Contrast color for hat
CC 2           Contrast color for eyes
DC              Double crochet
HDC           Half double crochet
MC             Main color
Rem lp        Remaining loop of chain
Sl st            Slip stitch
St                Stitch
Sk                Skip

R 1           With MC, ch 29, 2 DC in 3rd ch from hk, 1 DC in next 24 ch,
                 4 DC in last ch, turn work and DC in next 24 rem lp,
                 2 DC in last ch, sl st to 1st DC, ch 2                                                56
R 2-9        DC each st around, sl st to 1st DC, ch 2                                         56
R 10         Change color and DC around, sl st to 1st DC, ch 2                      56
R 11-14    DC each st, sl st to 1st DC, ch 2                                                      56
                             Finish off

Ear flap
                 Lay flat, count 4 back from side and join with CC
R 1           Ch 1 and HDC in same st as join, HDC next 7 st                           8
R 2           Ch 1 & turn, HDC in 2nd st, HDC next 4 st, sk 1 st,
                 HDC in last st                                                                                     6
R 3           Ch 1 & turn, HDC in 2nd st, HDC next 2 st, sk 1 st,
                 HDC in last st                                                                                     4
R 4           Ch 1 & turn, HDC in 2nd st, sk 1 st, HDC in last st                       2
                            Finish off

        For 2nd ear flap, sk 20 st across front and join with CC,
        repeat R 1-4

        To trim, join CC in middle of back, ch 1, HDC in same st,
        HDC around, finish off

        MR with CC 2
R 1           8 HDC in ring, sl st to join, finish off                                             8
R 2           With white, 2 HDC each st, sl st, ch 1                                           16
R 3          *HDC 1, 2 HDC* around, sl st, finish off                                       24

R 1          With yellow, ch 3, 2 DC in 3rd ch from hook, turn                       3
R 2           Ch 3, DC in 1st st, DC, TrC, DC in 2nd st,
                 2 DC in last st, finish off                                                                 7

Flap braids
        For each side cut 3 strands of MC & CC approx 36 in long.
        Thread into skipped st of R 4 and braid. Mine are around
        7 1/2 in long

        Half a large pompom with equal lengths of MC & CC

 This is a free pattern and you are welcome to make and sell the finished product, just please give me the credit for creating it. Do not copy and redistribute the pattern and claim it as your own.
My grandniece is turning 2 this week so I was looking around Ravelry and random Google searches trying to decide what to make her. I found a really cute little owl hat and started it right away. When it was done I used my grandnephew as a model to see if it would fit her, he's one month older. I was very disappointed to find that it was nowhere close to big enough. 
I'm not one to give up easily once my mind is set on something, which in this case is a good thing. I measured my grandnephew and set out to make an owl hat that would fit. I got a little carried away with how cute it turned out and the hat became part of a matching set.
Hat, check.
Mittens, check.
Scarf, check.
Purse, check.
Plushie, check. 
Maybe more than just a little carried away but it was fun and everything came out so cute I couldn't help it. The mittens are the only part that I didn't create the pattern for. It doesn't get cold for long here so by the time I wrote up a pattern that worked and I liked it would be warm again.
So here's what the entire set looks like. Patterns will follow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Flower Tawashi Pattern

Back again with another free pattern. I've started working on gifts and gift sets to sell for the holidays since that time is rapidly approaching. There are a lot of tawashi patterns out there so I decided to try making my own addition. This is the finished product and untested pattern for it. 

     Flower Tawashi   

Hook         H/5mm & N/10mm
Acrylic yarn    Flower color(FC) white, Contrast color 1(CC1) yellow,
        Contrast color 2(CC2) green
Tulle  (do not use tulle with glitter. The glitter will come out and scratch
    whatever you're washing and you'll end up looking like a unicorn
    threw up on you)
Yarn/Tapestry needle

Gauge isn't important as long as the top and bottom are the same size. The
tulle center should be slightly smaller to fit inside.
You can make this out of cotton instead of acrylic yarn.

SC    Single crochet
DC    Double crochet
Sl st    Slip stitch
Ch    Chain

Special Stitch
For the popcorn stitch you work your 4 DC as usual. After you finish the 4th
stitch you turn the work and slip stitch into the top of the 1st stitch. If you haven't
done this stitch before I recommend finding a tutorial on Youtube.

Work both parts of flower with smaller hook
Start with Magic Circle
R 1        With CC1 ch 1, *4DC poporn, ch1* into MC 8x,
        join with sl st, finish off
R 2        Join with FC into any ch 1 sp, ch 1, *4DC popcorn, ch 1*
        2x into each ch 1 sp, join with sl st
R 3        Ch 1, *4DC popcon, ch 1 into 1st st, 4DC popcorn, ch 1 2x
        into 2nd st* join with sl st, finish off
R 4        Join CC2 into any ch 1 sp from R 3, ch 1, 3 HDC each ch 1 sp,
        join with sl st, finish off

R 1        With CC2, Ch 1, SC 8 into MR                8
R 2        2 SC each st                                             16
R 3        *SC 1, 2 SC*                                           24
R 4        *SC 2, 2 SC*                                           32
R 5        *SC 3, 2 SC*                                           40
R 6        *SC 4, 2 SC*                                           48
R 7        *SC 5, 2 SC*                                           56
R 8        *SC 6, 2 SC*                                           64
R 9        *SC 7, 2 SC* (do not finish off)                72

Work tulle with larger hook
R 1        With tulle, ch 1 and SC 8 into MR            8
R 2        2 SC each st                                            16
R 3        *SC 1, 2 SC*                                         24
R 4        *SC 2, 2 SC* Finish off                          32

With tulle between both pieces slip stitch together using back loops only.

Optional handle. Slip stitch into remaining loop of 1st stitch, chain 13 and slip
stitch into opposite remaining loop. Slip stitch into next stitch, chain 1, turn and
single crochet 15 over chain, slip stitch into next remaining loop. Slip stitch into
next stitch, chain 1 and single crochet each stitch across, slip stitch into next st.
Repeat last row once more then finish off and weave in ends.

Notes:  This is a free pattern and you can make as many of these as you'd like.
Keep them for yourself, give them as gifts, or sell them, as long as you give me
the credit for creating the pattern. Do not copy this pattern and claim it as your
own, either online or printed out, because that's just plain rude.